The mass distribution of companions to low-mass white dwarfs

Jeff Andrews (Columbia University)
Adrian M. Price-Whelan (Columbia University) Marcel Agüeros (Columbia University)

This notebook contains the code used to generate the figures for the above paper.

In [1]:
from __future__ import division

# Standard library
from collections import OrderedDict
import cPickle
import os
import time

# Third-party
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.constants import G
import emcee
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root, brentq
from scipy.stats import truncnorm, uniform, scoreatpercentile
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
import triangle

# TODO: check in a stylesheet, use that"matplotlibrc")
%matplotlib inline

Generate test datasets

In [55]:
# Number of data points to generate
ndata = 100

# Neutron star distribution properties (fixed)
bounds_NS = (1.3, 2.) # Msun
mean_NS = 1.4 # Msun
stddev_NS = 0.05 # Msun

# Number of steps to use in numerical integration below
Nintegrate = 4096

We generate data with three different models for the true distribution of companion masses:

  • GWD: A single (truncated) Gaussian
  • GWD+GNS: A (truncated) Gaussian for the white dwarf population, and a separate Gaussian for neutron stars
  • UWD+GNS: A uniform distribution and a Gaussian for neutron stars

In [3]:
def mass_function(m1, m2, sini):
    return (m2*sini)**3 / (m1 + m2)**2

def make_datasets(N, seed=None):
    # container to store the various fake data
    datasets = OrderedDict()
    # container used to store parameters used to generate the datasets
    params = OrderedDict()
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Test set 1: a single, truncated Gaussian
    # generate random primary masses and inclination angles
    m1 = np.random.uniform(0.2, 0.4, size=N) # Msun
    sini = np.sin(np.arccos(1 - np.random.uniform(0.,1.,size=N))) # uniform in cos(i)
    p = dict()
    d = dict()
    p['name'] = "Gaussian WD"
    p['bounds_WD'] = (0.2, 1.44) # Msun
    p['mean_WD'] = 0.7 # Msun
    p['stddev_WD'] = 0.2 # Msun
    p['f_NS'] = 0.
    a = (p['bounds_WD'][0] - p['mean_WD']) / p['stddev_WD']
    b = (p['bounds_WD'][1] - p['mean_WD']) / p['stddev_WD']
    gaussian = truncnorm(a, b, loc=p['mean_WD'], scale=p['stddev_WD'])
    true_m2s = gaussian.rvs(N)
    d['m1'] = m1
    d['sini'] = sini
    d['mf'] = mass_function(m1, true_m2s, sini)
    d['true_m2'] = true_m2s
    d['is_NS'] = np.zeros_like(true_m2s).astype(bool)
    params['GWD'] = p
    datasets['GWD'] = d
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Test set 2: a truncated Gaussian for white dwarfs + truncated Gaussian for Neutron stars
    # generate random primary masses and inclination angles
    m1 = np.random.uniform(0.2, 0.4, size=N) # Msun
    sini = np.sin(np.arccos(1 - np.random.uniform(0.,1.,size=N))) # uniform in cos(i)
    p = dict()
    d = dict()
    p['name'] = "Gaussian WD + Gaussian NS"
    p['bounds_WD'] = (0.2, 1.44) # Msun
    p['mean_WD'] = 0.7 # Msun
    p['stddev_WD'] = 0.2 # Msun
    p['f_NS'] = 0.1 # 10% neutron stars
    N_NS = int(N*p['f_NS'])
    # White dwarf companions
    a = (p['bounds_WD'][0] - p['mean_WD']) / p['stddev_WD']
    b = (p['bounds_WD'][1] - p['mean_WD']) / p['stddev_WD']
    gaussian = truncnorm(a, b, loc=p['mean_WD'], scale=p['stddev_WD'])
    true_m2s = gaussian.rvs(N-N_NS)
    d['is_NS'] = np.zeros(N-N_NS, dtype=bool)
    # Neutron stars companions
    a = (bounds_NS[0] - mean_NS) / stddev_NS
    b = (bounds_NS[1] - mean_NS) / stddev_NS
    gaussian = truncnorm(a, b, loc=mean_NS, scale=stddev_NS)
    true_m2s = np.append(true_m2s, gaussian.rvs(N_NS))
    d['is_NS'] = np.append(d['is_NS'], np.ones(N_NS, dtype=bool))
    d['m1'] = m1
    d['sini'] = sini
    d['mf'] = mass_function(m1, true_m2s, sini)
    d['true_m2'] = true_m2s
    params['GWD+GNS'] = p
    datasets['GWD+GNS'] = d
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Test set 3: uniform + Gaussian at the Neutron star mass
    # generate random primary masses and inclination angles
    m1 = np.random.uniform(0.2, 0.4, size=N) # Msun
    sini = np.sin(np.arccos(1 - np.random.uniform(0.,1.,size=N))) # uniform in cos(i)
    p = dict()
    d = dict()
    p['name'] = "Uniform WD + Gaussian NS"
    p['bounds_WD'] = (0.2, 1.1) # Msun
    p['f_NS'] = 0.1 # 10% neutron stars
    N_NS = int(N*p['f_NS'])
    # White dwarf companions
    true_m2s = np.random.uniform(p['bounds_WD'][0], p['bounds_WD'][1], size=N-N_NS)
    d['is_NS'] = np.zeros(N-N_NS, dtype=bool)
    # Neutron stars companions
    a = (bounds_NS[0] - mean_NS) / stddev_NS
    b = (bounds_NS[1] - mean_NS) / stddev_NS
    gaussian = truncnorm(a, b, loc=mean_NS, scale=stddev_NS)
    true_m2s = np.append(true_m2s, gaussian.rvs(N_NS))
    d['is_NS'] = np.append(d['is_NS'], np.ones(N_NS, dtype=bool))
    d['m1'] = m1
    d['sini'] = sini
    d['mf'] = mass_function(m1, true_m2s, sini)
    d['true_m2'] = true_m2s
    params['UWD+GNS'] = p
    datasets['UWD+GNS'] = d
    return params, datasets

In [4]:
test_params,test_data = make_datasets(ndata, seed=4)

In [5]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14,5), sharex=True, sharey=True)

bins = np.linspace(0.,2.,25)
for i,(p,d) in enumerate(zip(test_params.values(), test_data.values())):
    axes[i].hist(d['true_m2'], bins=bins, color='#777777', edgecolor='#999999')
    axes[i].set_title(p['name'], fontsize=22)
    axes[i].set_xlabel("True $M_2$ [M$_\odot$]")


In [6]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14,5), sharex=True, sharey=True)

bins = np.linspace(0.,1.4,25)
for i,(p,d) in enumerate(zip(test_params.values(), test_data.values())):
    axes[i].hist(d['mf'], bins=bins, color='#777777', edgecolor='#999999')
    axes[i].set_title(p['name'], fontsize=22)
    axes[i].set_xlabel("$m_f$ [M$_\odot$]")


With 'data' in hand, we now start building our model. For all cases, we will try modeling the true $M_2$ distribution as a mixture of a truncated normal distributions. Our parameters will be the mean and variance of the white dwarf distribution, and the fraction of neutron stars.

In [7]:
%load_ext cythonmagic

In [8]:

import cython
cimport cython

import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np

cdef extern from "math.h":
    double sqrt(double x)
    double cbrt(double x)

cdef inline void _integrand_factor(double[::1] m2, double[::1] mf, double[::1] m1, double[:,::1] integrand,
                                   unsigned int nm2, unsigned int ndata):
    """ Cython helper to speed up likelihood calculation """
    cdef unsigned int i, j
    cdef double mtot, cbrt_mtot4, cbrt_mf
    for j in range(ndata):
        cbrt_mf = cbrt(mf[j])
        for i in range(nm2):
            mtot = m1[j] + m2[i]
            cbrt_mtot4 = cbrt(mtot*mtot*mtot*mtot)
            integrand[i,j] = cbrt_mtot4 / cbrt_mf / m2[i] / sqrt(m2[i]*m2[i] - cbrt_mf*cbrt_mf*cbrt_mtot4) / 3.

cpdef integrand_factor(double[::1] m2, double[::1] mf, double[::1] m1, double[:,::1] integrand):
    """ Compute the factor multiplying p(M_2|θ) in the integral of Equation XXX in the paper """
    cdef unsigned int nm2, ndata    
    nm2 = m2.shape[0]
    ndata = mf.shape[0]

    _integrand_factor(m2, mf, m1, integrand, nm2, ndata)

In [9]:
def py_integrand_factor(m2, mf, m1):
    """ Compute the factor multiplying p(M_2|θ) in the integral of Equation XXX in the paper """
    mtot = m1 + m2
    return mtot**(4/3.) * mf**(-1/3.) / m2 / np.sqrt(m2**2 - (mf*mtot**2)**(2/3.)) / 3.

In [10]:
def likelihood(p, mf, m1, bounds_WD, known_m2):
    mean_WD,stddev_WD,f_NS = p
    m2s = np.linspace(0., 2., Nintegrate)
    dm2 = m2s[1] - m2s[0]
    integ_fac = np.empty((m2s.shape[0], mf.shape[0]))
    integrand_factor(m2s, mf, m1, integ_fac)
#     integ_fac = py_integrand_factor(m2s[:,np.newaxis], mf[np.newaxis], m1[np.newaxis])
    # White dwarf companion mixture component
    lower, upper = bounds_WD
    dist_WD = truncnorm((lower - mean_WD) / stddev_WD, (upper - mean_WD) / stddev_WD, loc=mean_WD, scale=stddev_WD)
    # Neutron star companion mixture component
    lower, upper = bounds_NS
    dist_NS = truncnorm((lower - mean_NS) / stddev_NS, (upper - mean_NS) / stddev_NS, loc=mean_NS, scale=stddev_NS)
    p_WD = (1-f_NS) * dist_WD.pdf(m2s[:,np.newaxis])
    p_NS = f_NS * dist_NS.pdf(m2s[:,np.newaxis])
    # Zero out when evaluating outside of allowed bounds (normally NaN)
    integ_fac[np.isnan(integ_fac)] = 0.
    p_WD[np.isnan(p_WD)] = 0.
    p_NS[np.isnan(p_NS)] = 0.
    # we approximate the integral using the trapezoidal rule
    integrand_WD = p_WD * integ_fac
    integrand_NS = p_NS * integ_fac

    p_WD = dm2/2. * (integrand_WD[0] + np.sum(2*integrand_WD[1:-1], axis=0) + integrand_WD[-1])
    p_NS = dm2/2. * (integrand_NS[0] + np.sum(2*integrand_NS[1:-1], axis=0) + integrand_NS[-1])
    not_nan = ~np.isnan(known_m2)
    if np.any(not_nan):
        p_WD[not_nan] = (1-f_NS) * dist_WD.pdf(known_m2[not_nan])
        p_NS[not_nan] = 0.
    return np.vstack((p_WD, p_NS))

def ln_likelihood(p, mf, m1, bounds_WD, known_m2):
    return np.log(np.sum(likelihood(p, mf, m1, bounds_WD, known_m2), axis=0))

def ln_prior(p):
    mu,sigma,f_NS = p
    lp = 0.
    # uniform prior on neutron star fraction in the range [0,1]
    if f_NS < 0. or f_NS > 1.:
        return -np.inf
    # uniform prior on position of the Gaussian
    lp += -np.log(1. - 0.2)
    if mu < 0.2 or mu > 1.:
        return -np.inf
    # p(σ) = 1/σ (0.02 < σ < 2)
    lp += -np.log(sigma)
    if sigma < 0.02 or sigma > 2.:
        return -np.inf

    return lp

def ln_posterior(p, mf, m1, *args):
    ll = ln_likelihood(p, mf, m1, *args)
    lp = ln_prior(p)
    if np.any(np.isnan(ll) | np.isinf(ll)):
        return -np.inf

    if np.any(np.isnan(lp)):
        return -np.inf
    if np.all(ll == 0.):
        return -np.inf
    return lp + ll.sum()

Use MCMC to sample from the posterior distribution, $p(\theta\,|\,m_f)$

In [11]:
# number of parameters
ndim = 3
def run_inference(mf, m1, bounds_WD, nwalkers=32, nburn=200, nsteps=1000, pool=None, known_m2=None):    
    if known_m2 is None:
        known_m2 = np.zeros(len(mf))*np.nan
    # initial positions for walkers
    p0 = np.zeros((nwalkers,ndim))
    p0[:,0] = np.random.normal(0.8, 0.05, size=nwalkers) # mean
    p0[:,1] = np.random.normal(0.6, 0.01, size=nwalkers) # stddev
    p0[:,2] = np.random.uniform(0., 0.1, size=nwalkers) # f_NS
    args = (mf, m1, bounds_WD, known_m2)
    sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers=nwalkers, dim=ndim, lnpostfn=ln_posterior, args=args, pool=pool)

    # burn-in
    pos,prob,state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, N=nburn)
    bad_ix = sampler.acceptance_fraction < 0.2
    if np.any(bad_ix):
        print("Some questionable walkers found...")
        print("Resampling their positions based on other walkers")
        pos[bad_ix] = np.random.normal(np.median(pos[~bad_ix],axis=0), 
    sampler.reset() # throw out burn-in samples
    pos,prob,state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, N=nsteps)
    return sampler

In [12]:
# For triangle plots below
labels = [r"$\mu$", r"$\sigma$", r"$f_{\rm NS}$"]
extents = [(0.2,1.4), (0.0,2.), (0.,1.)]

Run the samplers

In [14]:
from gary.util import get_pool

# caches the samplers in pickle files
samplers = OrderedDict()
for test_name in test_params.keys():
    fn = "{}.pickle".format(test_name)
    if not os.path.exists(fn):
        pool = get_pool(threads=4)
        t1 = time.time()
        samplers[test_name] = run_inference(test_data[test_name]['mf'], m1=test_data[test_name]['m1'], 
                                            nburn=500, nsteps=1000, pool=pool)
        samplers[test_name].pool = None
        with open(fn,'w') as f:
            cPickle.dump(samplers[test_name], f)
        print("{} seconds".format(time.time()-t1))
        with open(fn,'r') as f:
            samplers[test_name] = cPickle.load(f)

Test case 1:

In [15]:
fig = triangle.corner(samplers['GWD'].flatchain, truths=[test_params['GWD']['mean_WD'], test_params['GWD']['stddev_WD'], 0.], 
                      labels=labels, extents=extents)

In [16]:
for i in range(ndim):
    for chain in samplers['GWD'].chain[...,i]:
        plt.plot(chain, marker=None, drawstyle='steps', alpha=0.2, color='k');

Test case 2:

In [17]:
truths = [test_params['GWD+GNS']['mean_WD'], test_params['GWD+GNS']['stddev_WD'], test_params['GWD+GNS']['f_NS']]
fig = triangle.corner(samplers['GWD+GNS'].flatchain, truths=truths, 
                      labels=labels, extents=extents)

In [18]:
for i in range(ndim):
    for chain in samplers['GWD+GNS'].chain[...,i]:
        plt.plot(chain, marker=None, drawstyle='steps', alpha=0.2, color='k');

Test case 3:

In [19]:
truths = [np.nan, np.nan, test_params['UWD+GNS']['f_NS']]
fig = triangle.corner(samplers['UWD+GNS'].flatchain, truths=truths, 
                      labels=labels, extents=extents)

In [20]:
for i in range(ndim):
    for chain in samplers['UWD+GNS'].chain[...,i]:
        plt.plot(chain, marker=None, drawstyle='steps', alpha=0.2, color='k');


In [21]:
datafile = os.path.abspath("../data/ELM_WD.dat")
names = ["name", "period", "period_err", "K", "K_err", "mf", "mf_err", "m1"]
elm_WD = np.genfromtxt(datafile, dtype=None, usecols=range(len(names)), names=names)[:-6]


In [22]:
# eclipsing systems with measured m2
known_m2 = np.ones(len(elm_WD))*np.nan
known_m2[elm_WD['name'] == "J0345+1748"] = 0.72
known_m2[elm_WD['name'] == "J0651+2844"] = 0.50
known_m2[elm_WD['name'] == "J0751-0141"] = 0.97

In [23]:
mf = elm_WD['period']* / (2*np.pi*G) * (elm_WD['K']***3
mf = np.array(
m1 = np.array(elm_WD['m1'])

In [24]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,5))

bins = np.linspace(0.,1.4,20)
ax.hist(mf, bins=bins, color='#777777', edgecolor='#999999')
ax.set_xlabel("$m_f$ [M$_\odot$]")

In [25]:
if not os.path.exists("sampler_real_data.pickle"):
    sampler_real_data = run_inference(np.array(mf), m1=np.array(elm_WD['m1']), 
                                      bounds_WD=(0.2,1.44), nburn=500, nsteps=2000,
    with open("sampler_real_data.pickle","w") as f:
        cPickle.dump(sampler_real_data, f)

    with open("sampler_real_data.pickle","r") as f:
        sampler_real_data = cPickle.load(f)

In [26]:
print sampler_real_data.flatchain[sampler_real_data.flatlnprobability.argmax()]

[ 0.73513264  0.24146959  0.00154273]

In [28]:
for i in range(2):
    low = scoreatpercentile(sampler_real_data.flatchain[:,i], 50) - scoreatpercentile(sampler_real_data.flatchain[:,i], 25)
    high = scoreatpercentile(sampler_real_data.flatchain[:,i], 75) - scoreatpercentile(sampler_real_data.flatchain[:,i], 50)
    print("{} -{} +{}".format(scoreatpercentile(sampler_real_data.flatchain[:,i], 50), low, high))

0.690435156342 -0.069914160605 +0.0516768551795
0.283497125377 -0.0644725184164 +0.124122544813

In [29]:
fig = triangle.corner(sampler_real_data.flatchain, 
                      labels=labels, extents=[(0,2),(0,2),(0,1)])

In [30]:
for i in range(ndim):
    for chain in sampler_real_data.chain[...,i]:
        plt.plot(chain, marker=None, drawstyle='steps', alpha=0.2, color='k');


In [31]:
datafile = os.path.abspath("../data/PCEB.dat")
pceb_MD = np.genfromtxt(datafile, dtype=None, names=True, missing='-')

ix = np.isfinite(pceb_MD['P_orb']) & np.isfinite(pceb_MD['K']) & np.isfinite(pceb_MD['M_2'])
pceb_MD = pceb_MD[ix]



In [32]:


In [33]:
mf = pceb_MD['P_orb']*u.hour / (2*np.pi*G) * (pceb_MD['K']***3
mf = np.array(
m1 = np.array(pceb_MD['M_2']) # yes, this is 1->2

In [34]:
b = numpy.empty(pceb_MD.shape, dtype=pceb_MD.dtype.descr + [('mf',float),('m1',float)])
for name in pceb_MD.dtype.names:
    b[name] = pceb_MD[name]
b['mf'] = mf
b['m1'] = b['M_2']
pceb_MD = b

In [35]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,5))

bins = np.linspace(0.,1.4,20)
ax.hist(mf, bins=bins, color='#777777', edgecolor='#999999')
ax.set_xlabel("$m_f$ [M$_\odot$]")

In [36]:
if not os.path.exists("sampler_real_data_MD.pickle"):
    sampler_real_data_pceb = run_inference(np.array(mf), m1=np.array(pceb_MD['M_2']), 
                                      bounds_WD=(0.2,1.44), nburn=500, nsteps=2000,
    with open("sampler_real_data_MD.pickle","w") as f:
        cPickle.dump(sampler_real_data_pceb, f)

    with open("sampler_real_data_MD.pickle","r") as f:
        sampler_real_data_pceb = cPickle.load(f)

In [37]:
fig = triangle.corner(sampler_real_data_pceb.flatchain, 
                      labels=labels, extents=[(0,2),(0,2),(0,1)])

In [38]:
for i in range(ndim):
    for chain in sampler_real_data_pceb.chain[...,i]:
        plt.plot(chain, marker=None, drawstyle='steps', alpha=0.2, color='k');

In [56]:
def model(pars_WD, pars_NS):
    # truncated normal for WD's
    lower,upper = pars_WD['bounds']
    mu,sigma = pars_WD['mean'],pars_WD['stddev']
    dist1 = truncnorm((lower - mu) / sigma, (upper - mu) / sigma, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
    # truncated normal for NS's
    lower,upper = pars_NS['bounds']
    mu,sigma = pars_NS['mean'],pars_NS['stddev']
    dist2 = truncnorm((lower - mu) / sigma, (upper - mu) / sigma, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
    return dist1,dist2

In [57]:
def NS_prob(pars_WD, f_NS, mf, m1, known_m2, bounds_WD=(0.2,1.44)):
    p = (pars_WD['mean'], pars_WD['stddev'], f_NS)
    P_WD,P_NS = likelihood(p, np.array(mf), np.array(m1), bounds_WD, known_m2)
    return P_NS / (P_WD + P_NS)

Make same plot for real data, but no histogram in leftmost plot

In [58]:
def find_confidence_interval(x, pdf, confidence_level):
    return pdf[pdf > x].sum() - confidence_level
def sigma_contour(x, y, bins=None, ax=None, levels=None, contourf=False, **contour_kwargs):
    Create a contour plot from point density (e.g., posterior samples) and set the
    levels to contain the specified fractions of total samples (`levels`).
    xdata : numpy.ndarray
    ydata : numpy.ndarray
    bins : iterable, int (optional)
        Number of bins along both dimensions, number of bins for each dimension, 
        or the actual bins (a tuple of arrays).
    ax : matplotlib.Axes (optional)
        If supplied, plot the contour to this axis. Otherwise, open a new figure
    levels : iterable (optional)
        Levels to draw the contours at.
    contourf : bool (optional)
        Use `contourf()` instead of `contour()`.
    Other parameters
    contour_kwargs : dict
        kwargs to be passed to pyplot.contour()
    if ax is None:
        fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
        fig = ax.figure
    H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=bins, normed=True)
    nbins_x = len(xedges) - 1
    nbins_y = len(yedges) - 1
    x_bin_sizes = (xedges[1:] - xedges[:-1]).reshape((1,nbins_x))
    y_bin_sizes = (yedges[1:] - yedges[:-1]).reshape((nbins_y,1))
    pdf = (H*(x_bin_sizes*y_bin_sizes))
    if levels is None:
        levels = [0.683, 0.955]
    V = []
    for level in levels:
        z = brentq(find_confidence_interval, 0., 1., args=(pdf, level))
    X, Y = 0.5*(xedges[1:]+xedges[:-1]), 0.5*(yedges[1:]+yedges[:-1])
    Z = pdf.T
    if contourf:
        c = ax.contourf(X, Y, Z, levels=V, origin="lower", **contour_kwargs)
        c = ax.contour(X, Y, Z, levels=V, origin="lower", **contour_kwargs)
    return fig

def three_panel(axes, data, sampler, plot_samples=False, mu_lim=(0.2,1.2), sigma_lim=(0.,1.), 
                pt_alpha=0.5, known_m2=None, panel1_norm=1.):
    contour_bins = 27
    if known_m2 is None:
        known_m2 = np.ones(len(data))*np.nan
    map_idx = sampler.flatlnprobability.argmax()
    mean_WD,stddev_WD,f_NS = sampler.flatchain[map_idx]
    print("MAP params: μ={}, σ={}, f_NS={}".format(mean_WD,stddev_WD,f_NS))

    MAP_pars_WD = dict(mean=mean_WD, stddev=stddev_WD, bounds=(0.2,1.44))
    MAP_f_NS = f_NS
    pars_NS = dict(mean=mean_NS, stddev=stddev_NS, bounds=bounds_NS)

    # First panel
    m2_grid = np.linspace(0., 2., 256)
    if plot_samples:
        for i in range(50):
            ix = np.random.randint(len(sampler.flatchain))
            pars_WD = dict(mean=sampler.flatchain[ix,0], stddev=sampler.flatchain[ix,1], bounds=(0.2,1.44))
            f_NS = sampler.flatchain[ix,2]
            d1,d2 = model(pars_WD=pars_WD, pars_NS=pars_NS)

            func = (1-f_NS)*d1.pdf(m2_grid) + f_NS*d2.pdf(m2_grid)
            axes[0].plot(m2_grid, func*panel1_norm, marker=None, color='k', lw=1, alpha=0.1)
    d1,d2 = model(pars_WD=MAP_pars_WD, pars_NS=pars_NS)
    func = (1-MAP_f_NS)*d1.pdf(m2_grid) + MAP_f_NS*d2.pdf(m2_grid)
    axes[0].plot(m2_grid, func*panel1_norm, marker=None, color='k', lw=2, alpha=1.)
    axes[0].set_xlim(0.1, 1.7)
    axes[0].set_ylim(0, 30)
    # axes[0].yaxis.set_visible(False)

    # Second panel
    xbins = np.linspace(mu_lim[0]-0.1,mu_lim[1]+0.1,contour_bins)
    ybins = np.linspace(sigma_lim[0]-0.1,sigma_lim[1]+0.1,contour_bins)
    axes[1].plot(sampler.flatchain[:,0], sampler.flatchain[:,1], marker=',', alpha=pt_alpha, 
                 color='#aaaaaa', linestyle='none', zorder=-10, rasterized=True)
    sigma_contour(sampler.flatchain[:,0], sampler.flatchain[:,1], bins=(xbins,ybins), 
                  ax=axes[1], contourf=False, levels=[0.683,0.955], colors=["#000000","#555555"])
    axes[1].set_ylabel(r"$\sigma_{\rm WD}$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]")

    # Third panel   
    xbins = np.linspace(-0.1,0.5,contour_bins)
    ybins = np.linspace(sigma_lim[0]-0.1,sigma_lim[1]+0.1,contour_bins)
    axes[2].plot(sampler.flatchain[:,2], sampler.flatchain[:,1], marker=',', alpha=pt_alpha, 
                 color='#aaaaaa', linestyle='none', zorder=-10, rasterized=True)
    sigma_contour(sampler.flatchain[:,2], sampler.flatchain[:,1], bins=(xbins,ybins), 
                  ax=axes[2], contourf=False, levels=[0.683,0.955], colors=["#000000","#555555"])
    axes[2].set_ylabel(r"$\sigma_{\rm WD}$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]")

    for ax in axes:
        plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=14)
        plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=14)    
def fourth_panel(ax, data, sampler, plot_samples=False, mu_lim=(0.2,1.2), sigma_lim=(0.,1.), 
                 pt_alpha=0.5, known_m2=None):
    if known_m2 is None:
        known_m2 = np.ones(len(data))*np.nan
    # Fourth panel
    pNSes = []
    ids = np.arange(len(data['mf']))
    for i in range(512):
        ix = np.random.randint(len(sampler.flatchain))
        pars_WD = dict(mean=sampler.flatchain[ix,0], stddev=sampler.flatchain[ix,1], bounds=(0.2,1.44))
        PNS = NS_prob(pars_WD, sampler.flatchain[ix,2], data['mf'], data['m1'], known_m2)

    pNSes = np.array(pNSes)
    bins = np.arange(len(data['mf']))
    ids = np.repeat(bins[np.newaxis], 512, axis=0)
    H,xedges,yedges = np.histogram2d(np.ravel(ids), np.ravel(pNSes), bins=(bins, np.linspace(0,1,50)))
    ax.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, H.T, cmap='Greys', norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm())
    if np.any(data['is_NS']):
        NSs = np.arange(len(data['is_NS']))[data['is_NS'][data['mf'].argsort()]]
        for ns_id in NSs:
            ax.plot([ns_id,ns_id], [-0.05, 0.0], linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.8, 
                    marker=None, color='#666666')
    buff = int(len(data['mf'])*0.05)
#     ax.set_ylabel(r'$P_{\rm NS}$')

In [59]:


In [47]:
fig,all_axes = plt.subplots(2,4,figsize=(12,6),sharex='col')
fig2,all_axes2 = plt.subplots(2,4,figsize=(12,6),sharex='col')

for i,test_name in enumerate(test_data.keys()):
    axes = all_axes[i]
    data = test_data[test_name]
    sampler = samplers[test_name]
    pars = test_params[test_name]
    n,bins,patches = axes[0].hist(data['true_m2'], color="#aaaaaa")
    panel1_norm = np.sum(n * (bins[1:] - bins[:-1]))
    if i == 2:
        three_panel(axes, data, sampler, sigma_lim=(0.,1.5), panel1_norm=panel1_norm)
        three_panel(axes, data, sampler, pt_alpha=0.2, panel1_norm=panel1_norm)
    axes[2].axvline(pars['f_NS'], color='k', linewidth=1., linestyle='--')
    ymin,ymax = axes[0].get_ylim()
    axes[0].text(0.15, ymax - 0.15*(ymax-ymin), "Test {}".format(i+1), fontsize=22, fontweight=200)
    if pars.has_key('mean_WD'):
        axes[1].axhline(pars['stddev_WD'], color='k', linewidth=1., linestyle='--')
        axes[1].axvline(pars['mean_WD'], color='k', linewidth=1., linestyle='--')
        axes[2].axhline(pars['stddev_WD'], color='k', linewidth=1., linestyle='--')
    if i == 2:
        axes[0].set_xlabel(r'$M_2$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]')
        axes[1].set_xlabel(r"$\mu_{\rm WD}$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]")
        axes[2].set_xlabel(r'$f_{\rm NS}$')
        # axes[3].set_xlabel(r'$m_f$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]')
        # axes[3].set_xlabel(r'Object ID')
    fourth_panel(all_axes2[i,3], data, sampler, pt_alpha=0.2)
    all_axes2[i,3].set_xlabel(r'Object ID')
all_axes2[0,0].set_ylabel(r'$P_{\rm NS}$')


MAP params: μ=0.724203284699, σ=0.197681722258, f_NS=0.000740795465026
ERROR: AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'set_xlabel' [IPython.core.interactiveshell]
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-47-2e4d1a13f4c6> in <module>()
     37     fourth_panel(all_axes2[i,3], data, sampler, pt_alpha=0.2)
---> 39     all_axes2[i].set_xlabel(r'Object ID')
     40 all_axes2[0].set_ylabel(r'$P_{\rm NS}$')

AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'set_xlabel'


In [60]:
slc = slice(38,43)
nm = 'GWD'

ixx = test_data[nm]['mf'].argsort()
print('sini', test_data[nm]['sini'][ixx][slc])
print('true m2', test_data[nm]['true_m2'][ixx][slc])

mff = test_data[nm]['mf'][ixx][slc].copy()
m11 = test_data[nm]['m1'][ixx][slc].copy()

m11[0] = m11[2]
mff[0] = mff[2]

print('mf', mff)
print('m1', m11)

NS_prob(dict(mean=0.724203284699, stddev=0.197681722258), 
        mff, m11,

('sini', array([ 0.82939725,  0.75120095,  0.96237337,  0.76346055,  0.66907479]))
('true m2', array([ 0.58573981,  0.77461523,  0.47511142,  0.77079699,  0.91665668]))
('mf', array([ 0.15545932,  0.15143264,  0.15545932,  0.16122502,  0.16307896]))
('m1', array([ 0.30904053,  0.36603762,  0.30904053,  0.35348099,  0.27273007]))
array([ 0.00025405,  0.0002484 ,  0.00025405,  0.00024815,  0.00025846])

In [67]:
def four_panel(axes, data, sampler, plot_samples=False, mu_lim=(0.2,1.2), sigma_lim=(0.,1.), 
               pt_alpha=0.5, known_m2=np.ones(len(data))*np.nan, panel1_norm=1., contour_bins=33):    
    map_idx = sampler.flatlnprobability.argmax()
    mean_WD,stddev_WD,f_NS = sampler.flatchain[map_idx]
    print("MAP params: μ={}, σ={}, f_NS={}".format(mean_WD,stddev_WD,f_NS))

    MAP_pars_WD = dict(mean=mean_WD, stddev=stddev_WD, bounds=(0.2,1.44))
    MAP_f_NS = f_NS
    pars_NS = dict(mean=mean_NS, stddev=stddev_NS, bounds=bounds_NS)

    # First panel
    m2_grid = np.linspace(0., 2., 256)
    if plot_samples:
        for i in range(50):
            ix = np.random.randint(len(sampler.flatchain))
            pars_WD = dict(mean=sampler.flatchain[ix,0], stddev=sampler.flatchain[ix,1], bounds=(0.2,1.44))
            f_NS = sampler.flatchain[ix,2]
            d1,d2 = model(pars_WD=pars_WD, pars_NS=pars_NS)

            func = (1-f_NS)*d1.pdf(m2_grid) + f_NS*d2.pdf(m2_grid)
            axes[0].plot(m2_grid, func*panel1_norm, marker=None, color='k', lw=1, alpha=0.1)
    d1,d2 = model(pars_WD=MAP_pars_WD, pars_NS=pars_NS)
    func = (1-MAP_f_NS)*d1.pdf(m2_grid) + MAP_f_NS*d2.pdf(m2_grid)
    axes[0].plot(m2_grid, func*panel1_norm, marker=None, color='k', lw=2, alpha=1.)
    axes[0].set_xlim(0.1, 1.7)

    # Second panel
    xbins = np.linspace(mu_lim[0]-0.1,mu_lim[1]+0.1,contour_bins)
    ybins = np.linspace(sigma_lim[0]-0.1,sigma_lim[1]+0.1,contour_bins)
    axes[1].plot(sampler.flatchain[:,0], sampler.flatchain[:,1], marker=',', alpha=pt_alpha, 
                 color='#aaaaaa', linestyle='none', zorder=-10, rasterized=True)
    sigma_contour(sampler.flatchain[:,0], sampler.flatchain[:,1], bins=(xbins,ybins), 
                  ax=axes[1], contourf=False, levels=[0.683,0.955], colors=["#000000","#555555"])
    axes[1].set_ylabel(r"$\sigma_{\rm WD}$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]")

    # Third panel   
    xbins = np.linspace(-0.1,0.5,contour_bins)
    ybins = np.linspace(sigma_lim[0]-0.1,sigma_lim[1]+0.1,contour_bins)
    axes[2].plot(sampler.flatchain[:,2], sampler.flatchain[:,1], marker=',', alpha=pt_alpha, 
                 color='#aaaaaa', linestyle='none', zorder=-10, rasterized=True)
    sigma_contour(sampler.flatchain[:,2], sampler.flatchain[:,1], bins=(xbins,ybins), 
                  ax=axes[2], contourf=False, levels=[0.683,0.955], colors=["#000000","#555555"])
    axes[2].set_ylabel(r"$\sigma_{\rm WD}$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]")

    # Fourth panel
    pNSes = []
    ids = np.arange(len(data['mf']))
    for i in range(512):
        ix = np.random.randint(len(sampler.flatchain))
        pars_WD = dict(mean=sampler.flatchain[ix,0], stddev=sampler.flatchain[ix,1], bounds=(0.2,1.44))
        PNS = NS_prob(pars_WD, sampler.flatchain[ix,2], data['mf'], data['m1'], known_m2)

    pNSes = np.array(pNSes)
    bins = np.arange(len(data['mf']))
    ids = np.repeat(bins[np.newaxis], 512, axis=0)
    H,xedges,yedges = np.histogram2d(np.ravel(ids), np.ravel(pNSes), bins=(bins, np.linspace(0,1,50)))
    axes[3].pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, H.T, cmap='Greys', norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm())
        if np.any(data['is_NS']):
            NSs = np.arange(len(data['is_NS']))[data['is_NS'][data['mf'].argsort()]]
            for ns_id in NSs:
                axes[3].plot([ns_id,ns_id], [-0.05, 0.0], linewidth=1., alpha=0.8, 
                             marker=None, color='#333333')
    buff = int(len(data['mf'])*0.05)
    axes[3].set_ylabel(r'$P_{\rm NS}$')

    for ax in axes:
        plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=14)
        plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=14)

In [63]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(2,4,figsize=(16,9))

# Test 1 and 2
for i,test_name in enumerate(['GWD','GWD+GNS']):
    pars = test_params[test_name]
    data = test_data[test_name]

    row = axes[i]
    n,bins,patches = row[0].hist(data['true_m2'], color="#aaaaaa")
    panel1_norm = np.sum(n * (bins[1:] - bins[:-1]))
    four_panel(row, data, samplers[test_name], plot_samples=False, 
               sigma_lim=(0.,1.5), panel1_norm=panel1_norm, contour_bins=39)
    row[2].axvline(pars['f_NS'], color='k', linewidth=1., linestyle='--')
    ymin,ymax = row[0].get_ylim()
    row[0].text(0.15, ymax - 0.15*(ymax-ymin), "Test {}".format(i+1), fontsize=22, fontweight=200)

    row[1].axhline(pars['stddev_WD'], color='k', linewidth=1., linestyle='--')
    row[1].axvline(pars['mean_WD'], color='k', linewidth=1., linestyle='--')
    row[2].axhline(pars['stddev_WD'], color='k', linewidth=1., linestyle='--')

row[0].set_xlabel(r'$M_2$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]')
row[1].set_xlabel(r"$\mu_{\rm WD}$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]")
row[2].set_xlabel(r'$f_{\rm NS}$')
row[3].set_xlabel(r'Object ID')


MAP params: μ=0.724203284699, σ=0.197681722258, f_NS=0.000740795465026
MAP params: μ=0.738642080787, σ=0.194303653762, f_NS=0.110127826855

In [68]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(2,4,figsize=(16,9))

# Test 3
test_name = 'UWD+GNS'
pars = test_params[test_name]
data = test_data[test_name]

row = axes[0]
n,bins,patches = row[0].hist(data['true_m2'], color="#aaaaaa")
panel1_norm = np.sum(n * (bins[1:] - bins[:-1]))
four_panel(row, data, samplers[test_name], plot_samples=False, 
           sigma_lim=(0.,1.5), panel1_norm=panel1_norm, contour_bins=31)
row[2].axvline(pars['f_NS'], color='k', linewidth=1., linestyle='--')
ymin,ymax = row[0].get_ylim()
row[0].text(0.15, ymax - 0.15*(ymax-ymin), "Test 3", fontsize=22, fontweight=200)
row = axes[1]
n,bins,patches = row[0].hist(pceb_MD['M_wd'][~np.isnan(pceb_MD['M_wd'])], color='#bbbbbb')
ymin,ymax = row[0].get_ylim()
row[0].text(0.15, ymax - 0.15*(ymax-ymin), "PCEB".format(i+1), fontsize=22, fontweight=200)
panel1_norm = np.sum(n * (bins[1:] - bins[:-1]))
four_panel(row, pceb_MD, sampler_real_data_pceb, plot_samples=False, 
           panel1_norm=panel1_norm, contour_bins=39)

row[0].set_xlabel(r'$M_2$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]')
row[1].set_xlabel(r"$\mu_{\rm WD}$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]")
row[2].set_xlabel(r'$f_{\rm NS}$')
row[3].set_xlabel(r'Object ID')


MAP params: μ=0.627530835316, σ=0.515325813003, f_NS=0.136543714095
MAP params: μ=0.577373013751, σ=0.159974180021, f_NS=0.000418048354854

In [69]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(16,4.5))

four_panel(axes, elm_WD, sampler_real_data, plot_samples=True, known_m2=known_m2)
ymin,ymax = axes[0].get_ylim()
axes[0].text(0.15, ymax - 0.15*(ymax-ymin), "ELM".format(i+1), fontsize=22, fontweight=200)

axes[0].set_xlabel(r'$M_2$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]')
axes[1].set_xlabel(r"$\mu_{\rm WD}$ [${\rm M}_\odot$]")
axes[2].set_xlabel(r'$f_{\rm NS}$')
axes[3].set_xlabel(r'Object ID')


MAP params: μ=0.735132638952, σ=0.241469587119, f_NS=0.00154273319751

In [872]:
np.savetxt("posterior_samples.txt", sampler_real_data.flatchain, delimiter=",", header="mu_WD, sigma_WD, f_NS")

In [ ]: